
Created for Change exists to help people who want to change something in the world around them, understand their place in the world, and discover how their unique giftings might allow them to make a difference. - Joel Ohman


Created for Change is for people who read a poll and are concerned by what many of the people around them believe. It’s for people who see something wrong in the world and want to make it right. It’s for people who are already convinced that something needs to be done, but they just aren’t sure what exactly they should do or whether their efforts will have any impact.

It’s for people who want to be persuasive and make a difference on a large scale, or at least to contribute, play a part in change, and know that what they are doing, no matter how small, is making a difference.

It’s for creators, influencers, business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders, talkers, servers, action-takers, and makers. This is for you. This is for me. This is for us. This is how we can change the world around us.

Learn and study with me how culture change really happens, with stories of real-life people, some famous, some not, all just living regular everyday lives of faithfulness, who are all living out their creative callings in a way that shapes and changes the culture all around us.

And we will see how it all fits together. How God has created each of us different, our multifaceted creative types all working together to reflect something important about our Creator who intends for us to image and represent Him to the world. We are better together. And only in so doing will we usher in His shalom.

Are you ready?

Essential Reading

Culture, Principles

How Culture Change Really Happens

What if everything we believe about culture change is wrong? What if,…

Culture, Principles

What is Culture?

Culture is a tricky word to wrap our heads around. Sometimes, the…


What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram? Really? Isn’t that a quasi-spiritual personality typing system invented to…

Creativity, Principles

We Are All Creatives

As image bearers of a Creator God, we are all “creatives.” So,…

Enneagram, Principles

The Creative Enneagram

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,…

Art, Creativity, Principles

We Were Creators Once, and Free

“Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when…

Creativity, Culture, Principles

The Creator’s Journey

The Creator’s Journey is not an invention, but an observation. From the…

Creativity, Principles

The Ultimate Creator

He walked across the palace rooftop, taking in the sights and sounds…

Culture, Principles

Creating the Good Life

“We’re image bearers, created to rule, to partner with God in pushing…

Art, Culture, Principles, Writing

A Light So Lovely

“We draw people to Christ not by loudly discrediting what they believe,…

Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Principles

Just Do Something

“Real artists ship.” – Steve Jobs If finding your Creative Type helps…

Culture, Principles

Culture Change Happens Slowly, Then All at Once

How fast does the culture change around us? How involved can we…

Culture, Principles

Should We Try to Change the Culture?

It’s one thing to identify how and why culture has changed in…

Culture, Principles

The Culture War Fallacy

Why is it that Christians tend to think of culture in terms…

Culture, Principles

The Top-Down Fallacy

Closely related to the Culture War Fallacy of culture change, the Top-Down…